Enter a volume or folio number to receive the current details of a title that match the search criteria, including land description, owner and any dealings.
Read More...Enter any date within the past three months to receive information of any activity on a title during that period. Please note that the maximum range for this search is three months.
Read More...The Lands Survey Search returns a diagram of the most recent dimensions of a parcel of land that matches the search criteria, along with accompanying information.
Read More...Enter a document type and number to receive copies of registered documents, such as mortgages, charges, easements and transfers, that match the search criteria.
Read More...Enter criteria such as street name, number, suburb etc. to receive match(es) of the address corresponding to the search, along with other information such as title reference and parcel identifier.
Read More...Enter the name of an individual to receive a list of registered names that match the search criteria, along with information such as their street address, title reference and parcel identifier.
Read More...Enter the name of an organisation to receive a list of registered names that match the search criteria, along with information such as their street address, title reference and parcel identifier.